From the classic to the experimental printing techniques
Manfred Hammes (†2006) | Sophia Pechau | Titus Learners | Karin My
Exhibit 10.3. to 6.4.2019
Opening: Saturday, 9. March 18 At
Introductory remarks by Dr. Heidrun Wirth
A thematic group exhibition THE ART OF PRINTMAKING the works of Manfred Hammes (+2006), Sophia Pechau Titus learners and Karin My. The exhibition showed a broad spectrum: from traditional printing techniques, such as etching, aquatint, linocut to screen printing combined with digital printing. The first anniversary of the shooting of artistic printing techniques to the Federal-wide directory of the Intangible cultural heritage by the German Commission for UNESCO was the occasion, with a variety of activities for teaching the art of printing, to contribute and to do so on their importance to the culture in Germany's attention.
On 15. In March 2019, the day of the art of printing was celebrated nationwide, under the leadership of the Federal Association of visual artists.
The art workshop in the art pavilion offered Workshops to DRUCKGRAFK for kids and the whole family at the 10.3. / 15.3./ 17.3./ 24.3.2019 from 14:00 to 17:00.